Creative Hypothetical Question List

Do you like to ask hypothetical questions?🤔

If yes, then this blog post is for you! We’ve compiled a list of fun and creative hypothetical questions that will help stimulate your thinking.

What would happen if we took away all the air in the world? Want to know how many times an elephant’s heartbeats per minute? Enjoy these thought-provoking questions and see where they take you!

These questions help people brainstorm ideas for how they should prepare for various circumstances, as well as provide them with an opportunity to think about their own personal beliefs and values.

Great Hypothetical Questions to Ask

If you were a transformer, what vehicle would you turn into?

What laws would you abolish if you could? What laws would you create?

If extra lives were a thing in the real world, how would you get them?

If you were a food, what food would you be?

What animal would be way better if it was covered in scales?

If you could design a planet, what would your perfect planet look like?

What would be your strategy for a zombie apocalypse?

If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would it be?

What superpower do you wish that you had? What would your superpower name be?

Would you rather live forever or die tomorrow knowing there is no afterlife?

Name some of your favourite fictional characters. Who are they and what makes them stand out to you?

What’s the most ridiculous superpower you can think of, and what does it do?

If you could have any superpower in real life, which one would you choose? What are some consequences that come with your ability to fly/teleport or whatever your wish is?

If you were a food, what would be your ideal form?

What animal do you feel like should have been covered in scales instead of fur/feathers? What’s the most fun thing about being that animal when it comes to playing with other animals or humans?

Who is one fictional character from any medium who could easily beat you in a fight? What it their most dangerous feature and what is your strategy to defeat them?

What superpower do you wish that you had?

If there were an animal made of friendship, like the Care Bear’s or My Little Pony’s, what would its fur/feathers look like and how would they behave with each other?

Is there any mythical creature from any mythology (dragons, mermaids, etc.) which is better than all others despite being based on another mythological figure(s) already popularized by pop culture media today?

What two animals would you like to switch the sounds they make?

Would you want to permanently feel zero pain if given the chance?

What cartoon world do you wish you could live in for a week?

What do you wish grew on trees?

What weird thing would you make socially acceptable if you could?

What animal would be way better if it was covered in scales?

If you could design a planet, what would your perfect planet look like? What features does it have and why do you think that is the case about your world?

How many hours of sleep should humans need on average to function normally/do their jobs without being tired/etc.?

If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would it be?

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