53 Inspirational Quotes To Boost Your Confidence

Inspirational Quotes

Life is full of unexpected twist and turns which can make your day bad or good. Here are some of the best inspirational quotes for some extra motivation about life and struggles.

Nothing lasts forever. Not even your troubles.
-Arnold H Glasgow

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
-Henry Stanley Haskins

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
-George Eliot

Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.
-Emily P. Bissell

I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.
-Thomas Edison

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.
-Roy M. Goodman

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.
-Sidney Greenberg

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
-Mark Twain

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today.
-E. Joseph Cossman

In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed
-Sid Caesar

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.
-Henry Ford

The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision.
-Helen Keller

Defeat is not bitter unless you swallow it.
-Joe Clark

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
-Bill Cosby

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
-William Bruce Cameron

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
-Martin Luther King, JR.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
-Edith Wharton

An ounce of patience is worth more than a tonne of preaching.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
-Charles R. Swindoll

It always seems impossible until it’s done.
-Nelson Mandela

Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.
-Bo Jackson

If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
-Dale Carnegie

Don’t think, just do.

If you can dream it, you can do it.
-Walt Disney

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
-Ayn Rand

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
-Thomas A. Edison

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
-Robert H. Schuller

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.
-Sam Levenson

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
-Walt Disney

When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.
-Elon Musk

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
-Nikos Kazantzakis

If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.
-Jim Rohn

You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.
-Babe Ruth

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.
-Henry Ford

Never complain and never explain.
-Benjamin Disraeli

Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.
-Victor Kiam

You will never win if you never begin.
-Helen Rowland

If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
-Stevie Wonder

Go big or go home. Because it’s true. What do you have to lose?
-Eliza Dushku

You can’t expect to hit the jackpot if you don’t put a few nickels in the machine.
-Flip Wilson

The more things you do, the more you can do.
-Lucille Ball

Know or listen to those who know.
-Baltasar Gracian

There is progress whether ye are going forward or backward! The thing is to move!
-Edgar Cayce

Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.
-John Dewey

Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.
-John F. Kennedy

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
-William Butler Yeats

Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
-Lao Tzu

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
-Tony Robbins

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.



Also Read: 86+ Positive Inspirational Quote About Life

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