Question of
A cat is stuck in a tree, what do you do?
Try getting it unstuck
Walk away. It’s not your cat
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A building’s on fire! What do you do?
Try taking out the fire
Call the cops
Just walk away
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You see somebody trip & fall what do you do?
Help them up
Laugh ’cause falling is hilarious
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Some bullies are messing with you, so you…..
Beat them all up
Seek revenge!
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You order food at a restaurant & they give you the wrong thing, you…..
Tell them their mistake
Throw it at them and Write bad Reviews
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Your crush publicly humiliates you by turning you down in a harsh way, you….?
Humilate them back
Spread a rumor about them
Just walk away
Question of
Someone hacked your Tiktok account, you…?
Find who did it & punish them!
Make a new one
Question of
You catch a friend or family member in a lie. How do you react?
Forgive Them
How Dare They
Question of
Do you believe in revenge?
Question of
Would you kill someone to get what you want?
Question of
If you saw someone steal another persons wallet what would you do?
Catch Them and Return The Wallet
Ignore The Whole Situation
Shout At Them To Stop
Report Them To The Authorities
Question of
Would you frame another person in a robbery if it would prevent you from being caught?
If I Had No Choice
Unless They Were A Friends
Question of
Would you ever kidnap and imprison a person if they were keeping important information from you?